
Year-Number: 2021-54
Yayımlanma Tarihi: null
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 3495-3500
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Developing technology and the widespread use of the Internet have changed many habits in our daily lives. In this period, when daily work is done over the Internet, the number of users of social media platforms has increased, and traditional television broadcasting has begun to leave its place to internet television; live video streaming platforms have also started to attract attention. Especially during the pandemic period when people have to stay at home, the interest in online media has reached a great extent. It has attracted attention by increasing the number of viewers on Twitch Tv, one of the live video streaming platforms, and primarily broadcasts eSports. This increase in the number of viewers attracted the attention of brands, and they started to sponsor broadcasters on Twitch TV. Since it is a new and developing sector, no study has been conducted on the sectors in which the sponsoring brands operate in this field. This study was carried out to determine the areas of activity of the existing brands, provide information to the brands that will be sponsors in the future, and shed light on the subsequent studies. In this study, the channels of the 50 most-watched Turkish Broadcasters on Twitch TV were examined. In the examination, the videos on the media owned by the broadcasters were watched. The brands that took place as sponsors in these videos and the sponsor brands in the "about" section of the channel was determined. These identified brands are grouped according to their fields of activity. These grouped data provide Twitch Tv with information about which brands are sponsored. According to the data obtained, 0.84% of the sponsoring brands are Betting, 29.41% are Computer and Computer Components Sales, 1.68% Cloud Gaming Service, 1.68% eSports League, 2.52% Finance, % 0.84 Airline, 0.84% Online Shopping Site, 4.2% Online Food Order, 5.04% Games, 42.02% Game and Game Products Sales, 1.68% Design, 5.04% Technology Company, it operates in the fields of textile 2.52% and telecommunication 1.68%. According to these results, it has been seen that the businesses that sponsor the broadcasters on Twitch TV operate in many different areas.


Gelişen teknoloji ve internetin yaygınlaşması günlük hayatımızda birçok alışkanlığı değiştirmiştir. Gündelik işlerin internet üzerinden yapıldığı, sosyal medya platformlarının kullanıcı sayılarının arttığı ve geleneksel televizyonculuğun yerini internet televizyonculuğuna bırakmaya başladığı bu dönemde canlı video akış platformları da ilgi görmeye başlamıştır. Özellikle insanların evlerinde kalmak zorunda olduğu pandemi döneminde online platformlara olan ilgi büyük bir boyuta ulaşmıştır. Canlı video akış platformlarından olan ve çoğunlukla eSpor yayınlarının yapıldığı Twitch Tv’de izleyici sayılarını arttırarak dikkatleri üzerine çekmeyi başarmıştır. İzleyici sayısında bu yaşanan artış, markaların dikkatini çekmiş olup Twitch Tv’deki yayıncılara sponsor olmaya başlamışlardır. Yeni ve gelişmekte olan bir sektör olduğu için, bu alanda sponsorluk yapan markaların hangi sektörlerde faaliyet gösterdiğiyle ilgili bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Mevcut markaların faaliyet alanlarını belirlenmesi, gelecekteki sponsor olacak markalara bilgi sunulması ve sonraki çalışmalara ışık olmak amacıyla bu çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada Twitch Tv’deki en çok izlenen 50 Türk yayıncının kanalları incelenmiştir. Yapılan incelemede, yayıncıların sahip olduğu kanallardaki videolar izlenip, bu videolarda sponsor olarak yer alan markalar ve kanalın “hakkında” kısmındaki sponsor markalar belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen bu markalar faaliyet alanlarına göre gruplandırılmıştır. Gruplandırılan bu veriler Twitch Tv’ye hangi alanda faaliyet gösteren markaların sponsor olduğuyla ilgili bilgiler sunmaktadır. Elde edilen verilere göre, sponsor olan markaların %0,84’ü Bahis, %29,41’i Bilgisayar ve Bilgisayar Bileşenleri Satışı, %1,68 Bulut Oyun Servisi, %1,68 eSpor Ligi, %2,52 Finans, %0,84 Havayolu, %0,84 Online Alışveriş Sitesi, %4,2 Online Yemek Siparişi, %5,04 Oyun, %42,02 Oyun ve Oyun Ürünleri Satış, %1,68 Tasarım, %5,04 Teknoloji Şirketi, %2,52 Tekstil, %1,68 Telekomünikasyon alanlarında faaliyet göstermektedir. Elde edilen bu sonuçlara göre, Twitch Tv’deki yayıncılara sponsor olan işletmelerin, birçok farklı alanda faaliyet gösterdiği görülmüştür.



Developing technology and the widespread use of the Internet have changed many habits in our daily lives. In this period, when daily work is done over the Internet, the number of users of social media platforms has increased, and traditional television broadcasting has begun to leave its place to internet television; live video streaming platforms have also started to attract attention. Especially during the pandemic period when people have to stay at home, the interest in online media has reached a great extent. It has attracted attention by increasing the number of viewers on Twitch Tv, one of the live video streaming platforms, and primarily broadcasts eSports. This increase in the number of viewers attracted the attention of brands, and they started to sponsor broadcasters on Twitch TV. Since it is a new and developing sector, no study has been conducted on the sectors in which the sponsoring brands operate in this field. This study was carried out to determine the areas of activity of the existing brands, provide information to the brands that will be sponsors in the future, and shed light on the subsequent studies. In this study, the channels of the 50 most-watched Turkish Broadcasters on Twitch TV were examined. In the examination, the videos on the media owned by the broadcasters were watched. The brands that took place as sponsors in these videos and the sponsor brands in the "about" section of the channel was determined. These identified brands are grouped according to their fields of activity. These grouped data provide Twitch Tv with information about which brands are sponsored. According to the data obtained, 0.84% of the sponsoring brands are Betting, 29.41% are Computer and Computer Components Sales, 1.68% Cloud Gaming Service, 1.68% eSports League, 2.52% Finance, % 0.84 Airline, 0.84% Online Shopping Site, 4.2% Online Food Order, 5.04% Games, 42.02% Game and Game Products Sales, 1.68% Design, 5.04% Technology Company, it operates in the fields of textile 2.52% and telecommunication 1.68%. According to these results, it has been seen that the businesses that sponsor the broadcasters on Twitch TV operate in many different areas.
