أساس مفهوم السياسة الشرعية في هذا المقال هو الدولة التي أقامها نبينا صلى الله عليه وسلم، والأعمال التي أقامها في تلك الدولة، ونرغب بالتذكير في الجانب السياسي في هذه الدولة الذي أسس لنظام إسلامي يجمع بين الأعراق والأديان المختلفة. وسرعان ما أصبحت الدولة التي أسسها النبي أقوى دولة في العالم. وبفضل نظام الدولة هذا أصبح المسلمون أمة حاكمة على الأرض حتى الحرب العالمية الأولى.
ومع الهزيمة الكبرى بعد الحرب العالمية الأولى، فقدت الأمة تلك الروح، وجاءت الدول القومية، فحولت الدولة الإسلامية إلى دويلات صغيرة تقاتل من أجل المصالح، فعاش المسلمون في حالة عدم استقرار لأكثر من 100 عام. ومن أجل إنهاء حالة عدم الاستقرار هذه والعودة لأمة ذات نظام مستقر على الأرض، نحتاج إلى معرفة مفهوم السياسة الشرعية.
ولكي تعود الأمة الإسلامية إلى جوهر رسالتها نحتاج أن نفهم الدين فهماً صحيحاً في كل الفروع ومنها السياسية عموماً، وفي موضوع البحث وهو السياسة الشرعية على وجه الخصوص، ويجب أن نؤمن بالنظام السياسي الذي جاء به القرآن بالقدر الذي نؤمن بأنه جاء بالعبادات الأخرى.
In this article, the basis of the concept of POLITICS is the state established by our prophet and the actions of that state. We would like to remind you of the political aspect of our Prophet, who established an Islamic order by bringing together different ethnicities. The state founded by the Prophet quickly became the most powerful state in the world. Thanks to this state tradition, Muslims have always been a ruling ummah on earth until World War I.
With the great defeat after World War I, the spirit of the ummah was lost. Nation states and Muslims, who have turned into small states fighting for their interests, have been in an unstable situation for more than 100 years. In order to end this instability and become an ummah that establishes order on earth, we need to understand the concept of POLITICS.
In order for the Islamic Ummah to return to its essence, scholars must understand the religion correctly. We must believe in the politics of the Quran as much as we believe in the worship of the Quran. After World War I, Western imperialist states made many intrigues to transform the Islamic Ummah into an ummah that believed in the worship of the Quran and denied the policies of the Quran. The first of these intrigues was to remove the concept of POLITICS from Islamic literature and make it forgotten. They wanted to force the Muslim people to accept that politics is independent of religion.
Islamic nations established Islamic parties, communities and political structures to defeat the efforts of Western imperialist states to separate religion from politics. As a matter of fact, these political structures; Hamas founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yasin in Palestine, Jamaat-i Islami founded by Mawdudi in Pakistan, Hasan Al Banna and Ikhwani Muslim in Egypt, Rashid Ghannouchi and Ennahda Movement in Tunisia, Hasan Turabi and the political structures he established in Somalia, Malaysia. Mahathir Muhammed and Enver İbrahim and the political structures they established in Turkey, Necmettin Erbakan and the Welfare Party, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the AK Party and Huda Par in Turkey can be given as examples. These parties; They are political parties that argue that the Quran is a book sent down by Allah that governs every aspect of life.
Through this work, we invite Islamic nations to believe in the politics of the Quran as much as we believe in the worship of the Quran. On this occasion, we believe that we will be nations that live freely under the shadow of our great book sent down by Allah, both in our religious life and our political life. If Islamic nations give importance to the concept of ŞER'İYYE POLITICS again, we will have independent, free, rich and powerful states.
Understanding the concept of POLITICS-i ŞER'İYYE means having states that are free from the colonialism of the West, spend their national resources for their people, consider all Muslims living on earth as their citizens, and defend the rights and laws of Muslims.