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Year-Number: 2021-54
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 3523-3530
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Wheat is grown today on a very wide range of fields, from temperate climates to the north of Europe, from South America to tropical countries. Wheat, wheat products and bulgur have been one of the most important food sources of the Turkish people both in the past and today. In addition to nutrition, wheat and bulgur have great cultural, social and historical value. Wheat is a revered and sacred product due to the great value it carries. Wheat has an increasing importance not only for Turkey, but also for the nutrition of the world's people. It is the most produced product after corn and rice among the cereals grown in the world. There are hundreds of local varieties in Turkey, which is home to 28 wild wheat taxa, and as of 2016, there are 198 bread and 61 durum registered varieties. Despite the great importance it carries, recently opinions have been expressed that wheat is a very harmful product that triggers diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and as a result of breeding studies, it is a genetically modified organism that should not be consumed by humans. This review describes the genetic sources of wheat, the history of wheat breeding in our country, the varieties developed from the past to the present, the history and current status of local wheat varieties, and the facts in the face of propaganda against wheat. In the case of wheat species cultivated in Turkey and the parents of these species, it is the gene and diversity center of wild species. These species are the main source of adaptation of wheat to various conditions, its spread, evolution and evolution, as well as the genetic progress that has resulted in the development of modern varieties. Wheat farming in Turkey dates back to 10 000 years ago, when wheat first entered human life. Archaeological studies show that the place where wheat first appeared and spread around the world was the Fertile Crescent Region covering the southeast of Turkey. Turkey ranks first in the world in terms of the wild relatives of wheat it hosts. All the relatives that make up modern wheat and are in the first gene pool are located in Turkey.

Buğday günümüzde ılıman iklimlerden Avrupa’nın kuzeyine, güney Amerika’dan tropik ülkelere kadar çok geniş bir sahada üretilmektedir yetiştirilmektedir. Buğday, buğday ürünleri ve bulgur hem geçmişte hem günümüzde Türk insanının en önemli besin kaynaklarından biri olmuştur. Buğday ve bulgurun beslenme yanında kültürel, sosyal ve tarih değeri çok büyüktür. Buğday taşıdığı büyük değere bağlı olarak saygı duyulan, kutsal sayılan bir üründür. Buğday sadece Türkiye için değil aynı zamanda dünya insanının beslenmesinde de giderek artan bir öneme sahiptir. Dünyada yetiştirilen tahıllar içinde mısır ve çeltikten sonra en fazla üretilen üründür. 28 yabani buğday taksonuna ev sahipliği yapan Türkiye’de yüzlerce yerel çeşit ve 2016 itibarıyla 198 ekmeklik, 61 makarnalık tescilli çeşit bulunmaktadır. Taşıdığı büyük öneme rağmen son zamanlarda buğdayın obezite, diyabet gibi hastalıkları tetikleyen çok zararlı bir ürün olduğu, yapılan ıslah çalışmaları sonucu insanlarca tüketilmemesi gereken bir genetiği değiştirilmiş organizma olduğu şeklinde görüşler bildirilmektedir. Bu derlemede buğday genetik kaynakları, ülkemizde buğday ıslahının tarihçesi, geçmişten günümüzde geliştirilmiş çeşitler, yerel buğday çeşitlerinin geçmişi ve güncel durumu ile buğday aleyhine yapılan propagandalar karşısında gerçekler anlatılmaktadır. Türkiye kültürü yapılan buğday türleri ve bu türlerin ebeveynleri durumunda yabani türlerin gen ve çeşitlilik merkezidir. Bu türler buğdayın çeşitli koşullara uyumu, yayılması, evrimi ve evrimi yanında modern çeşitlerin geliştirilmesiyle sonuçlanan genetik ilerlemenin de ana kaynağıdır. Türkiye’de buğday tarımı, buğdayın ilk kez insan yaşantısına girdiği 10 000 yıl öncesine dayanmaktadır. Arkeolojik çalışmalar buğdayı ilk kez ortaya çıktığı ve dünyaya yayıldığı yerin Türkiye’nin güneydoğusunu da kapsayan Verimli Hilal Bölgesi olduğunu göstermektedir. Türkiye ev sahipliği yaptığı buğday yabani akrabaları bakımından dünyada ilk sırayı almaktadır. Modern buğdayı oluşturan ve birinci gen havuzunda bulunan tüm akrabalar Türkiye’de bulunmaktadır.



Wheat is grown today on a very wide range of fields, from temperate climates to the north of Europe, from South America to tropical countries. Wheat, wheat products and bulgur have been one of the most important food sources of the Turkish people both in the past and today. In addition to nutrition, wheat and bulgur have great cultural, social and historical value. Wheat is a revered and sacred product due to the great value it carries. Wheat has an increasing importance not only for Turkey, but also for the nutrition of the world's people. It is the most produced product after corn and rice among the cereals grown in the world. There are hundreds of local varieties in Turkey, which is home to 28 wild wheat taxa, and as of 2016, there are 198 bread and 61 durum registered varieties. Despite the great importance it carries, recently opinions have been expressed that wheat is a very harmful product that triggers diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and as a result of breeding studies, it is a genetically modified organism that should not be consumed by humans. This review describes the genetic sources of wheat, the history of wheat breeding in our country, the varieties developed from the past to the present, the history and current status of local wheat varieties, and the facts in the face of propaganda against wheat. In the case of wheat species cultivated in Turkey and the parents of these species, it is the gene and diversity center of wild species. These species are the main source of adaptation of wheat to various conditions, its spread, evolution and evolution, as well as the genetic progress that has resulted in the development of modern varieties. Wheat farming in Turkey dates back to 10 000 years ago, when wheat first entered human life. Archaeological studies show that the place where wheat first appeared and spread around the world was the Fertile Crescent Region covering the southeast of Turkey. Turkey ranks first in the world in terms of the wild relatives of wheat it hosts. All the relatives that make up modern wheat and are in the first gene pool are located in Turkey.


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