Karoshi And Overwork

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Year-Number: 2018-14
Language : null
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Number of pages: 1011-1016
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


The Japanese have created many new concepts, including karoshi, which refers to death from overwork. Measures should be taken against karoshi cases, which are common in Japan. Many other countries also have overtime policies, as shown by OECD statistics. However, overtime policies in countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden suggest that lower working times are more beneficial. Employees experience stress due to overwork, which causes heart diseases, cancer, and high blood pressure. This study examines the effects of overwork on employees and overtime work in other countries. It discusses the concepts of overwork and karoshi using Turkish and foreign sources, and statistics from the OECD and the World Economic Forum.



The Japanese have created many new concepts, including karoshi, which refers to death from overwork. Measures should be taken against karoshi cases, which are common in Japan. Many other countries also have overtime policies, as shown by OECD statistics. However, overtime policies in countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden suggest that lower working times are more beneficial. Employees experience stress due to overwork, which causes heart diseases, cancer, and high blood pressure. This study examines the effects of overwork on employees and overtime work in other countries. It discusses the concepts of overwork and karoshi using Turkish and foreign sources, and statistics from the OECD and the World Economic Forum.


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  • Article Statistics