Knowledge Management Practice And Organization Performance Evidence Of Nepalese Pharamacticual Industry

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Year-Number: 2022-56
Language : null
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Number of pages: 379-386
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report the results of an exploratory investigation of the organizational impact of knowledge management (KM). Design/methodology/approach – Findings – KM practices were found to be directly related to organizational performance which, in turn, was directly related to organational performance. There was no direct relationship found between KM practices and organization performance. A different set of KM practices was associated with each value discipline A gap exists between the KM practices that firms believe to be important and those that were directly related to organizational performance. Research limitations/implications – The majority of the research constructs were formative, thus improving the measurement of KM practices will prove vital for validating and extending these findings. The findings were based organizations from pharmacy industry Practical implications – This study encourages practitioners to focus their KM initiatives on specific intermediate performance outcomes. Originality/value – The paper examines the relationship between KM practices and organization performance. It was expected that a direct relationship between KM practices and organizational performance would be observed.



Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report the results of an exploratory investigation of the organizational impact of knowledge management (KM). Design/methodology/approach – Findings – KM practices were found to be directly related to organizational performance which, in turn, was directly related to organational performance. There was no direct relationship found between KM practices and organization performance. A different set of KM practices was associated with each value discipline A gap exists between the KM practices that firms believe to be important and those that were directly related to organizational performance. Research limitations/implications – The majority of the research constructs were formative, thus improving the measurement of KM practices will prove vital for validating and extending these findings. The findings were based organizations from pharmacy industry Practical implications – This study encourages practitioners to focus their KM initiatives on specific intermediate performance outcomes. Originality/value – The paper examines the relationship between KM practices and organization performance. It was expected that a direct relationship between KM practices and organizational performance would be observed.


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