Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-47
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 1432-1441
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Bu çalışma, Covid-19 hastalığı geçiren kişilerin hastalık öncesi, esnasında ve sonrasındaki durumları, davranış ve düşüncelerini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma grubu Türkiye'de Covid-19'u yenen 60'ı kadın 150 katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada literatürlere dayalı 23 maddelik bir anket formu geliştirilmiştir. Üç bölümden oluşan bu anket formu, hastalığı geçirmiş kişilerin hastalık öncesinde, esnasında ve sonrasında neler yaşadıkları ilgili sorular sorulmuştur. Hastalardan alınan cevapların en dikkat çekeni ise virüs vücuttu terk etmediği ve kişinin vücut direnci azalırsa virüs yeniden aktif olduğunu ifade etmesidir. Kişilerin yürüme, dengeli beslenme, sigara ve alkolden uzak durma gibi davranışlarında bulunma hastalığın daha kolay atlatılmasında önemli rol oynamasıdır.

This study aims to determine the experiences of individuals with Covid-19 disease before, during, and after the disease, and their behavior and thoughts in this period. The research group consists of 150 participants 60 of whom are female who have overcome Covid-19 in Turkey. The purposeful sampling method was used in the study. To develop a questionnaire, relevant literature was reviewed and a questionnaire form with 23 items was developed. This questionnaire consisting of three parts was prepared on what people with illness experienced before, during, and after the disease. The virus remains in the body for a while, and if the body resistance of the person decreases, the virus reactivates. Behaviors of the individuals such as walking, balanced nutrition, and avoiding smoking and alcohol play a role in overcoming the disease more easily.



This study aims to determine the experiences of individuals with Covid-19 disease before, during, and after the disease, and their behavior and thoughts in this period. The research group consists of 150 participants 60 of whom are female who have overcome Covid-19 in Turkey. The purposeful sampling method was used in the study. To develop a questionnaire, relevant literature was reviewed and a questionnaire form with 23 items was developed. This questionnaire consisting of three parts was prepared on what people with illness experienced before, during, and after the disease. The virus remains in the body for a while, and if the body resistance of the person decreases, the virus reactivates. Behaviors of the individuals such as walking, balanced nutrition, and avoiding smoking and alcohol play a role in overcoming the disease more easily.


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